How To Create A Flip-Through Handout
Some of today’s audiences are no longer impressed with a standard presentation. They expect more from professionals and it shows. According to research, only 18% of people who regularly attend business meetings trust what they hear there. Even worse? Only 12% of people who aren’t part of the meeting would even consider going back for a second look. This is because many people simply don’t understand why a single slide can take up half an hour of your time. But flip-through handouts! Yes, you read that right – your next presentation could benefit from using a flip-through handout instead of slides.
If you wish to know more about creating your own flip-through handout, here are 5 easy steps to follow.
Creating a Flip-Through Handout
1. Create your presentation in Canva. In this example, I am using one of the presentation templates available for free for all Canva users.
2. Save your work. In the options in sharing your design, click “More”.
3. Export your work. Under the Design category, select “Heyzine Flipbooks”. Next is to select the pages you want to include in your flip-through handout and click “Save”.
4. View your work. Once Canva successfully saves your work, you may now view your presentation as a flip-through handout. To check your work, click the link “View in Heyzine Flipbooks”.
5. Customize your work (if necessary). In Heyzine, you can easily customize the title, page effects, background audio, and other details of your flip-through handout.
Reminder: All anonymous flipbooks are deleted after 7 days so make sure to register for an account and login.
Once your done customizing your handout, you may now share it with your colleagues or students. Checkout out the different file sharing options available below.
So those are the 5 easy and simple steps in creating your handout. If you wish to know more about EdTech tools, check out this article I wrote on its different types.