How To Create A Flip-Through Handout - EdTech with Carla
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How To Create A Flip-Through Handout

Some of today’s audiences are no longer impressed with a standard presentation. They expect more from professionals and it shows. According to research, only 18% of people who regularly attend business meetings trust what they hear there. Even worse? Only 12% of people who aren’t part of the meeting would even consider going back for a second look. This is because many people simply don’t understand why a single slide can take up half an hour of your time. But flip-through handouts! Yes, you read that right – your next presentation could benefit from using a flip-through handout instead of slides.

If you wish to know more about creating your own flip-through handout, here are 5 easy steps to follow.

Creating a Flip-Through Handout

1. Create your presentation in Canva. In this example, I am using one of the presentation templates available for free for all Canva users.

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Step 1: Create Your Presentation

2. Save your work. In the options in sharing your design, click “More”.

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Step 2: Save Your Work

3. Export your work. Under the Design category, select “Heyzine Flipbooks”. Next is to select the pages you want to include in your flip-through handout and click “Save”.

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Step 3: Export Your Presentation
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4. View your work. Once Canva successfully saves your work, you may now view your presentation as a flip-through handout. To check your work, click the link “View in Heyzine Flipbooks”.

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Step 4: View Your Work

5. Customize your work (if necessary). In Heyzine, you can easily customize the title, page effects, background audio, and other details of your flip-through handout.

Reminder: All anonymous flipbooks are deleted after 7 days so make sure to register for an account and login.

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Step 5: Customize Your Handout in Heyzine

Once your done customizing your handout, you may now share it with your colleagues or students. Checkout out the different file sharing options available below.

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File Sharing Options for Heyzine Flipbooks

So those are the 5 easy and simple steps in creating your handout. If you wish to know more about EdTech tools, check out this article I wrote on its different types.

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